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Hyundai Motor Company's the sustainable future of society


Our commitment to sustainability

In the Fourth Industrial Revolution era, industry boundaries are disintegrating amid a rise of convergence and change. Mindful of such global megatrends, Hyundai is accelerating its innovation drive powered by an advanced technical prowess. Ever present in Hyundai’s 50-year journey has been the notion of the human race. Without aspirations for humankind, our technological innovations would have been impossible. As an extension of our ever-hopeful journey, in 2019 we adopted a new brand vision “Progress for Humanity” as a way to confirm our determination to create more valuable time for all humanity. Hyundai is now going beyond being an automobile manufacturer to become a mobility solution provider that allows people to easily move and connect with one another, spaces and places, and thus enabling them to make their time more valuable. We will provide mobility services that make every moment of life more valuable than before by more thoroughly understanding people’s daily lives, in our journey toward progress for humanity.

One thing will remain constant and abiding: Hyundai Motor Company’s management philosophy that places humanity above all other considerations.
Based on this immutable belief, we will take the lead in creating a sustainable future in which all mankind can live safely and healthily while enjoying freedom of movement and the unique offerings of our lives.
Jaehoon Chang,
President and CEO, Hyundai Motor Company

2021 Sustainability Report

Road to Sustainability

Hyundai Motor Company is committed to ESG management to bolster its sustainable management. By focusing on environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) operations the company will also create economic value - the fundamental goal of any business enterprise.

These ESG factors are included in the company's 2025 mid-to-long term innovation strategy. This strategy centers on building solid foundations for future growth, increasing competitiveness in innovative, and environmentally friendly future businesses, and strengthening customer-oriented quality management operations. Taken together, these goals strengthen the company's strategic vision of becoming a global "Smart Mobility Solutions Provider".

Hyundai will lead the way into the future by seizing the initiative to create a healthier, happier, and more sustainable world for everyone under its corporate vision of "Progress for Humanity".

ESG Each Division Sustainability Report




ESG Management

Hyundai Motor Company takes whatever steps are necessary to identify ESG risk factors in advance, and establishes management activities to minimize their negative impacts on its business. It also explores new business opportunities and creates new value through its strategic focus on ESG. The ESG governance policies and programs that it newly established in 2020 set ESG goals for each division that reflect the results of the KPIs accumulated by each of them. The company regularly convenes management-level meetings to share ESG issues and concerns.

ESG Directions

ESG Management

  1. Approach 1.

    ESG Risk Management

    Reducing the possibility of
    financial risks arising
    from non-financial

  2. Approach 2.

    Strategic Focus on ESG

    Capture new market
    opportunities and
    enhance the competitive


  • BOD reports
  • Management meetingManag- ement meeting
  • Working-level divisions
  • Sustainability Management Committee

    • ESG Committee*

      * A small meeting group within the Hyundai Management Strategy Meeting)

      Corporate Strategy Division

      • Environmental (E)

        Climate change /
        Operations environment /
        Product environment /
        Low-carbon products

        • Climate change
        • Operations
        • Product environ-
        • Low-carbon
      • Social (S)

        Human Rights / HR Development /
        HR Management / Social
        Contributions / Health and Safety /
        Customers / Quality Management /
        Supply Chain ESG / Information
        Protection / Innovation

        • Human Rights
        • HR Development
        • HR Management
        • Social
        • Health and Safety
        • Customers
        • Quality
        • Supply Chain
        • Information
        • Protection
        • Innovation
      • Governance (G)

        Board of Directors /
        Compliance and Ethics

        • Board of Directors
        • Compliance

ESG Performance

Hyundai is committed to disclosing its performance in each field according to its ESG management activities in 2020.


Cumulative sales of electrified vehicles, including electric vehicles.
Recorded total sales of 1.6 million units as of 2020
Annual global sales of EVs and FCEVs in 2020 surpassed 100,000 units for the first time
Reduced carbon emissions from vehicles in the European market by 30%
Average carbon emissions of the company’s vehicles sold in the European market in 2020 fell by 30% compared to 2010
Increased use of renewable energy by overseas subsidiaries
28% of Hyundai Motor India’s (HMI) total electricity use comes from renewable energy.
It generates its own electricity using photovoltaic power, and purchases photovoltaic/wind power
Built the second life EV battery circulation process
Developed the second life EV battery-based energy storage system (ESS) business
Issued KRW 400 billion in green bonds
Issued green bonds in February 2021 to increase investments in future mobility including EVs


Strengthened employee human rights risk management
Developed employee human rights risk assessment indicators
Conducted human rights risk assessment at all business sites (100%) in Korea
Strengthened supply chain ESG Management
Developed supply chain ESG assessment indicators and processes (ethics, the environment, labor/human rights, safety/health, management system)
Conducted ESG risk assessment of all key Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers (100%)
Strengthened workplace safety
Achieved zero critical accidents at workplaces for fourth consecutive year in Korea (2017 to 2020)
Strengthened critical accident prevention and response system
Strengthened activities to reduce incidence of serious accidents at suppliers’ facilities
Provided ESG-related in-house training
6,120 training hours per year in areas of human rights/safety/environment/quality
Provided assistance for dealing with COVID-19
Provided supports for stakeholders (suppliers, dealers, employees, and customers)
Hyundai Motor Group contributed KRW 120 billion worth of financial assistance for suppliers suffering liquidity crunches
Carried out community-based contribution activities to deal with COVID-19 at all domestic and overseas workplaces, including donations of disinfection and relief goods


Enhanced diversity of BOD
Appointed first woman non-executive director, an expert in the field of safety of intelligent transportation and autonomous unmanned systems
Made exercising shareholders’ voting rights easier and more convenient
Introduced voting system allowing shareholders to exercise their voting rights using computers or mobile devices
Established Sustainability Management Committee under BOD
Renamed Corporate Governance & Communications Committee. Added ESG, safety and health-related plans, and implementation checking functions to its responsibilities.
Established ESG Committee and working-level consultative groups at each division
Deliberated on ESG-related issues, decision-making, and performance sharing, promoted ESG improvement activities within each division.
Strengthened guidelines for appointing BOD members
Rewrote appointment requirements to increase diversity and independence of BOD

ESG Policies

Ethics Charter and Code of Conduct

Human Rights Policy

Supplier Code of Conduct

Environmental Management Policy

Privacy Policy

Anti-Corruption/Bribery Policy

ESG Assessments and Ratings
Dow ESG Assessments and RatingsJones Sustainability Indices

Included in the DJSI Korea

(since 2019 , for 2 consecutive years)

Earned CDP Climate Change A-, Water A- grade

(in 2020)

Joined the Carbon Management Honors Club

(in 2019 for 2 consecutive years)

Received the CDP Water Korea Best Awards

(in 2019, Grand Prize)

Earned A grade in the 2020 ESG ratings by KCGS

(A for Environmental, A+ for Social, A for Governance)

Recorded 36 points in 2020

MCSI ESG Ratings

Maintained the ESG rating of B

(in 2020)

Contributing to the local communities

In order to fulfill our responsibility as another citizen of the community, Hyundai undertakes a wide range of dedicated social contribution activities from reducing fine dust emissions and preventing traffic accidents, especially those involving children, to nurturing local community and growing future generations.

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